Throughout history, communicable diseases have impacted humanity; however, these
diseases became more threatening.
over 2 years ago
As both education and work shift online, those without reliable internet access
will be left behind.
over 2 years ago
A new report explores the challenges of managing workforces increasingly made up
of non-permanent employees.
almost 3 years ago
Americans still have a religious impulse, but it’s increasingly being channeled
into politics.
almost 3 years ago
Intelligent automation breaks office work into discrete tasks that can be
carried out by software.
almost 3 years ago
Black and Latino parents aren’t convinced that classrooms are safe.
almost 3 years ago
What’s new in the fake meat world? Plus, why I’m optimistic about beef demand
despite the new competition in the meat case.
about 3 years ago
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A biotech company and a machine vision startup collaborated to create a test
that can be done and interpreted by anyone
over 3 years ago
U.S. commutes have been getting longer and longer.
over 3 years ago
A return to normality will require better ways of filtering air indoors.
over 3 years ago
Two-thirds of U.S. REIT properties are projected to be in high water-stress
zones by 2030
over 3 years ago
A Twitter user recently shared the cover photo of Time Magazine issue of 2009
edition which had "Why You’ll Be Wearing Masks Again" as the cover story. We are
in 2020 now and the Time Magazine cover photo is unbelievable as the entire
world is fighting with coronavirus this time. 👍 Did Ti…
over 3 years ago
Kevin Esvelt and other experts talk to Axios about the risk of, and potential
defenses against, engineered pathogens.
over 3 years ago
A 2019 exercise featured a fictional coronavirus that eerily predicted the
current outbreak.
almost 4 years ago
Doctors are trying to cure a patient of blindness using the gene editing tool.
almost 4 years ago
What I learned about outbreaks from surviving a pandemic
almost 4 years ago
More than a quarter think alien societies would resemble human ones — but
they’re likely wrong about UFO visitation
almost 4 years ago
Bryan Walsh’s new book End Times: A Brief Guide to the End of the World looks at
a pretty grim topic, but he tells Laura Lynch that there is hope to stave off
Armageddon if humanity can learn to work together.
about 4 years ago
Time is key to understanding the risk of human extinction. For manmade threats
like A.I., biotech, or nuclear war, existential calamity can strike in a blink.
But for natural existential threats, like asteroid impacts and supervolcanoes,
we need to think on a time scale far longer than human civiliz…
over 4 years ago
Have you ever considered how the world will end? Bryan Walsh’s ‘End Times: A
Brief Guide to the End of the World,’ has you covered. Our conversation with the
over 4 years ago
Bryan Walsh, 41, a former foreign correspondent and author from Brooklyn wrote
End Times: A Brief Guide To The End Of The World,
over 4 years ago