The huge meteor explosion which hit Earth in December was caught on camera by the Japanese Himawari-8 weather satellite
almost 5 years ago
Mona Chalabi’s work is a compelling mix of illustration with a journalistic work ethic and a rigorous approach to statistics. The science and art worlds could do with more of this “TMI Queen”
over 4 years ago
AI lets programmers control Barack Obama’s face and replicate the styles of painting greats. Now a desktop app called Runway lets you do the same
over 4 years ago
New Scientist interviewed James Lovelock to discuss Gaia’s Novacene and our new AI overlords, microwaving hamsters for science and why Elon Musk’s Mars mission is ‘crazy’
over 4 years ago
New Scientist was opposed to the Apollo missions from the start, and complained for decades that the money to send people into space was being wasted. Why were we so grumpy and pessimistic about putting a man on the moon?
over 4 years ago
In his first speech as prime minister, Boris Johnson said Britain is “leading the world” in science and technology. Is that true?
over 4 years ago
The human immune system is one of the most complex biological systems we know
of, and yet most of us never learn how it works or what it is, says Philipp
Dettmer, founder of YouTube channel Kurzgesagt. In his new book, Immune, he
hopes to change all that
about 2 years ago
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