At VidCon 2022, content creators grappled with the challengers of, well, modern
workplaces: Burnout, fair pay, balance, and sustainability.
over 1 year ago
Five years ago, YouTube commentator Jarvis Johnson attended VidCon—but not as a
creator. He was there as a software engineer for Patreon.
over 1 year ago
‘Nobody had anything to do and everyone was just trapped in front of their
social media.’
over 1 year ago
To appeal to a younger generation, the Academy partnered with TikTok and the
platform’s stars to drum up buzz for the Oscars.
almost 2 years ago
Mark Zuckerberg also praised the potential of the metaverse, VR, and AR during his session with Draymond John at SXSW
almost 2 years ago
TikTok has temporarily suspended livestreaming and new video content in Russia
after the country passed a law banning ‘fake news.’
almost 2 years ago
Vines have been memorialized in internet culture through YouTube compilations,
TikTok trends, and its numerous creators
almost 2 years ago
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Drew Afualo’s iconic laugh will strike fear in any misogynist’s heart. She’s on
a mission to clean TikTok of its worst offenders
about 2 years ago
A TikToker discussed how Dollar Tree’s price increase impacts low-income
customers, and viewers shared their experiences with the chain.
about 2 years ago
I felt unsettled by trauma trends, not because of the subjects of the individual
videos, but because of the quantity of videos I was pushed.
about 2 years ago
Claire Parker and Ashley Hamilton host the podcast, where they ‘read celebrity
memoirs so you don’t have to.’
about 2 years ago