Media Database
Eric Niiler

Eric Niiler

Contributing Writer at Wired

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United States
Covering topics
  • Environment
  • Science
  • Technology
  • English
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Media Database
Eric Niiler

The Race to Send Robots to Mine the Ocean Floor - WIRED

As worldwide development rises for electric vehicle batteries and wind turbines, the demand for metals from the bottom of the sea has spiked.

Hurricane ‘Price Tags’ Could Reveal the Cost of Global Warming

A new study shows that climate-driven sea level rise made the damage from Superstorm Sandy $8 billion worse around New York City.

NASA’s MOXIE Experiment Is Making Oxygen on Mars

Future crews on the Red Planet will need it to make propellant for the trip home. Scientists are also testing whether oxygen can be extracted from lunar soil.

Are Green Jet Fuels Finally Ready for Takeoff? - WIRED

A first commercial test flight shows how fuel made from plants, not petroleum, could make flying cleaner.

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