Connected-car data must be integrated with DMS, scheduling and online shopping
systems. The goal is worth pursuing, because it will deliver better customer
experiences and more efficient dealer operations.
almost 3 years ago
A simple, four-stage strategic roadmap to help guide OEMs as they build a Monetization Model for Connected Car Vehicle and Driver Data.
almost 3 years ago
Practical, real-world examples of how several industry players are strategically
approaching their Connected Car technology roadmaps to help guide OEMs,
Suppliers, Fleets, and Dealers as they build their own Monetization Models for
Connected Car Technologies.
over 2 years ago
Practical, real-world lessons from how Apple, Google, Amazon and others
approached building their robust developer ecosystems to help guide OEMs as they
build their own Connected Car developer ecosystems to foster innovation.
over 2 years ago
Connected Car Opportunities in Parts and Service There has been a lot of
attention paid to opportunities for Connected Car technologies in Sales and F&I,
with ideas like personalized shopping,
over 2 years ago
“Right to Repair” Significantly Expanded In the November, 2020 election, voters
in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts passed a ballot initiative, Question 1 , by
an overwhelming margin (75% approved
over 2 years ago
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