A new study reveals when Americans feel comfortable kissing and have sex in their dating lives.
over 10 years ago
New research reveals that cheating actually makes us feel pretty good.
over 10 years ago
Tech is innovating in the most personal of areas: the vibrator.
over 10 years ago
Although lighting up in increasing numbers, women are still afraid to admit they smoke weed.
over 10 years ago
Back in March, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced a peculiar prize: They would award $100,000 for the creation of the “next generation condom.” Their perspective was that the easier and more pleasurable it is to use a condom, the likelier people are to use one each time they have sex. Obviously, t
over 10 years ago
Is gaining weight on purpose a work of art?
over 10 years ago
Maintain your adorable wardrobe while minimizing the detrimental health effects of those sky-high stilettos.
over 10 years ago
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A popular “all-natural” workout supplement that’s widely sold in the U.S. and other countries is apparently secretly spiked with a meth-like drug.
over 10 years ago
From grass-fed to free-range and artisinal to multigrain, what do these terms really mean?
over 10 years ago
A lot could land you in a straightjacket back in the day — find out the reasons why.
over 10 years ago
Can the world be changed with this simple invention? A quick-and-easy, OTC STD test.
over 10 years ago
The celebrity trainer shares exclusive moves to keep you fit this winter.
about 10 years ago
What does the color of your pee really say about your health? This handy chart will let you know.
about 10 years ago
So, you're ready to finally kick the habit? How do replacement options really measure up?
about 10 years ago
The U.S. News & World Report has put out a list of the best diets. But, what’s the truth behind the rankings?
about 10 years ago
Is the “bikini bridge” the new “thigh gap”? No. The internet is just body trolling you
about 10 years ago
Does this “Alien”-esque vibrator scare you? Us, too.
about 10 years ago
Relationship sex can be different than single sex. And having a partner can make us feel safe, scared, sensual, or even (sometimes) a bit bored.
almost 10 years ago
A victim of so-called “revenge porn” shares her story.
over 9 years ago
We took tintypes of men's penises and asked them how they felt about their bodies.
over 7 years ago
25 women talk about their breasts. No photoshop, real photos, as we explore the complex relationship women have with their breasts.
about 5 years ago