Have you overlooked or postponed your health checkups during the unending
20-month pandemic?
over 2 years ago
Packers QB Aaron Rodgers revealed in an interview that he was taking ivermectin to fight COVID. But research data on its effectiveness against the virus are still scarce.
over 2 years ago
Local Catholics out for Mass on Sunday sounded happy that Philadelphia
Archbishop Nelson Pérez has reinstated the religious obligation to attend Mass
in person starting next month, ending
over 2 years ago
Big Tobacco lied for decades about the deadly effects of cigarettes. Is history repeating with e-cigarettes?
over 2 years ago
For some immune-compromised people, the pandemic may never be over
over 2 years ago
Can a lame-duck administration inject new life into the COVID-19 vaccine
rollout? Eight days will tell.
about 3 years ago
The first confirmed case of an American who got COVID-19 twice adds to scant but
mounting evidence that people can be reinfected with the coronavirus—and get
sicker than during the initial bout.
over 3 years ago
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Even Twitter says President Trump’s claim of immunity is misleading.
over 3 years ago
Airborne transmission is what made measles so wildly contagious before the vaccine. Can the coronavirus stay aloft in the air?
over 3 years ago
Merck has the technology, money, and record of success to develop a coronavirus vaccine. It will also need luck.
over 3 years ago
There are no clear national guidelines for how coronavirus testing data should
be reported, so federal and state numbers are inconsistent, confusing, and
potentially misleading.
over 3 years ago