The New York Times’ 1619 Project virtually ignores the Democrat Party’s role in
advancing and sustaining racism in the United States.
over 2 years ago
Given the secret nature of his work, it is not surprising Stefan Halper’s role in these scandals is still debated by insiders and historians.
almost 2 years ago
In buying out Twitter, if not anything else, Elon Musk is more important for
what he has revealed than what he has done.
over 1 year ago
The $332 million that Mark Zuckerberg and his wife provided to help run the 2020
elections was distributed on a highly partisan basis.
over 1 year ago
Democrats insist absentee ballots don’t contribute to voter fraud, but a Connecticut mayoral election could blow a hole in that claim.
4 months ago
Is the corporate media even capable of honestly applying the same standard to the Menendez and Biden foreign influence scandals?
4 months ago
Obama embraced antisemites, steeped himself in anti-American ideas, and cozied up to Iran — and now he leaves a violent legacy.
4 months ago
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We know media are biased, but the Gaza reporting shows they’re willing to be propagandists — even if it’s likely to get people killed.
3 months ago
New bank records show the president received money from his brother the same day he received a large personal loan from his struggling health care company.
3 months ago
In McKay Coppins’ new biography, ‘Romney: A Reckoning,’ the senator and former presidential candidate has a long list of grievances.
3 months ago
‘The videos are shocking to the court and should be shocking to all of the parties,’ noted Superior Court Judge William F. Clark.
3 months ago