Since 2004, Cigar Aficionado has selected its Top 25 Cigars, with one cigar
claiming the top spot as the definitive Cigar of the Year. | Cigar Aficionado
almost 3 years ago
Barolo follows closely (67 awards) while Chianti Classico is third. WineNews
surveyed the 32 editions of the most influential wine... ➤ Read the News
about 3 years ago
Grand Prairie, Texas, October 22, 2020 – Republic National Distributing Company
(RNDC), a world-class distributor of fine wines and spirits in North America,
today announced that partner Alan Dreeben has been awarded the Industry
Executive of the Year Award by Marvin Shanken’s Market Watch Leaders. …
over 3 years ago
/PRNewswire/ -- Milestone Brands LLC announced today that its Dulce Vida Tequila
brand was named Impact “Hot Prospects” brand by Marvin Shanken’s Impact...
over 4 years ago
Publishers trying to figure out how they are going to diversify revenue would do
well to look at the smaller, niche publishers that had to diversify years ago.
Each of this publishers, who serve a mixture of business- and consumer-facing
audiences, attack the problem from different angles, but they …
over 4 years ago
Shanken Communications, whose publishing empire includes Wine Spectator,
selected A to Z Wineworks as the Oregon wine industry’s first Impact Hot Brand.
almost 7 years ago
RUSH: Last night, ladies and gentlemen, I went to New York for the 21st annual
Night to Remember cigar dinner that is basically the brainchild, it’s a giant
party thrown by Marvin Shanken of Cigar Aficionado and Wine Spectator magazine.
I have attended all but one. I was unable to attend a couple ye…
almost 9 years ago
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