Type 2 diabetes is a form of diabetes mellitus caused by insulin resistance that leads to high blood sugar. In this detailed overview, learn how to spot diabetes signs, build a diabetic diet, manage insulin and medication, and prevent complications.
over 6 years ago
In a study, intermittent fasting seemed to help three diabetic men get off their insulin and most of their medication by causing quick weight loss and lowering their blood sugar. But experts say it’s too soon to tell if the diet is safe. Find out more.
over 5 years ago
The definitions of normal, overweight, and obese were established after researchers examined the BMIs of millions of people and correlated them with rates of illness and death. Use your height to find a weight that’s in a healthy range.
almost 4 years ago
Calories are king for understanding energy intake and losing weight, but there’s a lot more to them than just dieting. These resources will help you understand calories and achieve your weight goal.
about 2 years ago
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