The upcoming movie, “Green Book,” tells the tale of two men who are forced to become friends during their journey on a concert tour in the racist, Jim Crow-era South.
about 5 years ago
For the first time, three women, all minorities, are in Dallas’ top law enforcement jobs.
over 6 years ago
John Glenn gained his place in American lore when in 1962 he came the first American to orbit the earth. That mission, however, would have never happene
about 7 years ago
A revolutionary new treatment for strokes uses a “stent retriever” to remove blood clots in the brain.
almost 8 years ago
It’s summer road trip time, but some passengers are getting more than a vacation — they’re getting a shot at a new life. Five puppies and three adult dogs are making the almost 600 mile trek from North Carolina to Westchester, New York. An elaborate caravan of volunteers spent their Saturday transporting the dogs. Final destination? The Westchester SPCA, a no-kill shelter where their chance of being adopted is much higher. Among them is 2-year-old Katrina, who was rescued from a high-kill shelt…
over 8 years ago
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