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Stephen Rassenfoss

Stephen Rassenfoss

Emerging Technology Senior Editor at JPT: Journal of Petroleum Technology

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Stephen Rassenfoss

Government Sanctions Hitting Russia Steer Clear of Oil and Gas Business

Sanctions imposed on Russia spare the oil and gas industry because US elected leaders fear voter outrage over higher prices and short supplies.

Will Private Investors Be Willing To Pay To Expand the Trans Mounta...

The Canadian Government has stopped funding the Trans Mountain Pipeline, whose future will depend on private investors.

Petroleum Engineering Continues To Drop, But There Is Talk of Bette...

The enrollment trend in petroleum engineering programs continues downward, but a big increase in oil prices has resurrected thoughts of past enrollment booms.

Drillers Happy To See Higher Prices, But the Surge Past $100 Looks ...

Drillers are feeling good about higher oil prices, but only to a point.

Big Service Companies Begin Limiting Their Russian Exposure

Russia is looking like a riskier spot for big service companies to do business, but they are not rushing to get out.

Fixing Old Wells Can Add Cheap Barrels, But a Worker Shortage Is .....

High oil prices will mean more spending on workovers to eke out more oil and gas from older wells. The amount will depend on finding those willing and able to do that tricky work.

Can High Natural Gas Prices Continue To Defy the Experts? - Society...

The price of natural gas always drops when winter weather ends, but maybe not this year.

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Short Sand Supplies Will Slow Growth of US Oil Output

Oil companies would have to pay a premium for the hardware and services needed for rapid expansion. But is that likely?

The Fracturing Plan: Hit a Well 300 ft Away—How Hard Could That ......

Hitting the next well during fracturing happens all the time. Predictably doing that on a large scale in granite looks a lot harder.

The Marriage of the Octopus and the Hammerhead Shark and How ... - ...

How do you make new money from old offshore fields? The choice between investing in older assets or decommissioning them depends on oil and gas prices, the ingenuity of technical people, and the willingness of a company’s executives to hold on to older assets.

When it Comes to Progressing Cavity Pumps, Staying Loose and ... - ...

A major variable in the life of a progressing cavity pump is the knowledge of those choosing and operating pumps that have their quirks.