The inspector general said the agency is “unreasonably” delaying production of
emails and other records related to HUD’s handling of hurricane relief for
Puerto Rico and unlawfully hampering the IG’s oversight mission.
over 4 years ago
HUD’s own analysis concluded that half the residents in households potentially
facing evictions and homelessness are children who are legally eligible for aid.
over 4 years ago
Black and Hispanic men seeking small business loans faced more scrutiny and worse treatment from bank officers than less qualified white men, according to a new study by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition.
over 4 years ago
The Trump administration’s plan to overhaul the housing finance system would make mortgages more expensive for minority borrowers and aspiring homeowners in the South, the Midwest and rural communities, according to fair housing and lending groups.
over 4 years ago
A coalition of civil rights organizations this week accused Comcast of undermining Reconstruction-era protections against racial discrimination in the company’s civil rights case before the U.S. Supreme Court.
over 4 years ago
Asked by Rep. Jennifer Wexton (D-Va.) on whether he felt the need to apologize for his remarks about “big, hairy men” trying to infiltrate women’s homeless shelters, HUD Secretary Ben Carson declined.
over 4 years ago
South Carolina congressman James Clyburn proposed a race-neutral anti-poverty program a decade ago. Presidential candidates recast it as compensation for slavery.
almost 4 years ago
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Floyd once called Houston’s Third Ward home. Decades later, it remains a neighborhood segregated from opportunity.
over 3 years ago
Black and Latino manufacturing workers were more likely to lose their jobs than Whites — and it took them longer to find new work. Those who did find work also experienced bigger pay cuts than White workers.
about 3 years ago
HUD nominee Marcia Fudge will confront the challenge of keeping millions of Americans from losing their homes amid the coronavirus pandemic, while also ending discriminatory housing policies.
almost 3 years ago
Biden’s housing department is restoring the requirement that communities take
steps to reduce racial segregation or risk losing federal funds. But missing
from the requirement is the 2015 mandate that communities undergo an extensive
analysis of local barriers to integration and submit plans to dism…
over 2 years ago